North Carolina Quartermaster’s Dept Cover

I haven’t posted in a while partly because it’s been a busy last few weeks but mainly because I’ve been doing some research on what I hope will become a longer article that I will publish. But in the meantime, I thought I should share a cover that I recently purchased.


It is addressed to Officer Commanding, Co. G, 5th Confederate Infantry, Army of Northern Virginia. This a semi-official, preprinted envelope (S-NC-29). It features a blue 10¢ CSA 12-AD tied RALEIGH N.C. 26 (no month) and the pencil notation “can’t locate.”

The 5th North Carolina Infantry was organized in May 1861 in Halifax. The regiment was involved throughout the entirety of the war, from 1st Manassas to Appomattox. Co. G included many men from Wilson County. The commanding officer who this cover was addressed to could have been either Capt. James M. Taylor or Capt. Thomas P. Thomson. It is unknown why the officer was unable to be located.

For more information about the 5th NC Infantry:

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